Hawaii Wildlife Animal Control

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Hawaii Wildlife Information:
Hawaii State bird: Hawaiian goose
State mammal: Hawaiian monk seal
State fish: Humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa
State insect: Kamehameha butterfly

Hawaii isn’t just a tourist trap. The white, sandy beaches and clear tropical waterfalls are a good representation of the entire island chain. The Hawaiian Islands really are the backdrop to a modern-day paradise. The landscape is rocky yet fertile, the result of thousands of years of volcanic activity. Because the state was never attached to the mainland, simply created by erupting volcanoes, the animals on the islands came by land or by water—there was no other way. As expected, this means the variety of island animals is minimal, and much of the “wild” population was at one time domestic. Hawaii is one of the only places where rabies has not yet wreaked havoc. The islands have been free of the deadly virus and maintain extensive protocols and quarantine phases for any animals brought over from the mainland. Because Hawaii is so unique compared to the rest of the United States, the taking of flora or fauna to and from the region is strictly prohibited.

There are no large carnivores on the islands. In the water, it’s a different story, but terrestrial animals do not have the size or the bulk of animals in the other states. Currently, Hawaii’s carnivores consist of wild dogs, wild cats, monk seals, elephant seals, and the mongoose. The mongoose, which is an extremely intelligent creature, is one of the only animals willing to take on a venomous snake in direct battle. Because of this ability and immunity to venom, many people in snake-endemic areas kept the mongoose as a house pet. The species is now outlawed in the rest of the country due to its invasive nature and ability to wipe out entire populations of serpents.

Grazing animals on the Hawaiian Islands are larger than the predators, and consist mostly of animals that were at one time domestic. The island has herds of wild cows, wild sheep, wild donkeys, and wild boars. It also has axis deer and mule deer.

Pest animals in Hawaii tend to be of the rodent persuasion. Rats are the number one nuisance animal on the islands, and they continue to be brought over on boats, even during the modern age. If a homeowner is lucky enough to avoid rats, there are still house mice in the region, a less-obvious but equally destructive home invader.

Honolulu - Maui - Maui

Hawaii Wildlife Removal News:
Activists Support Squirrel catches animals in Hawaii. Animal activities speak at Tuesday's Board of Supervisors meeting. Several extermination companies spoke up against Hawaii’s squirrel management program at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting. The program allows problem animal removing in county parks as one method to alleviate the squirrel number of pest critters. “[We] still love our suburban neighborhoods attics, but we have gone from laughing with delight at the creatures and rat baits, to treading carefully," declared one Hawaii resident, Elissa. "Officials from manage squirrel removing program have assured me that we have nothing to fear...but I'm not so sure.... Accidents do happen." The program began in 2009 because county officials argue that squirrel cause environmental degradation, become road hazards and may transfer diseases to humans. According to Hawaii wildlife biologist Vicky, about 70 to 100 squirrel per square mile live in Hawaii, which exceeds the area’s biological carrying capacity of 15 to 20 squirrel per square mile.

Many of the environmental experts disputed the county’s statistic on the squirrel number of pest critters. One spoke out in favor of the program, though Hawaii Board of Supervisors Chair Sharon noted that additional residents wanted to speak but could not since the board is limited in how many environmental experts they have per session. “I have used the trails by two of the parks more then anyone else. I speak in favor of this program,” declared Craig The wildlife removal expert, who lives in Vienna. The wildlife removal expert went on to give several reasons for his support, including that “the extermination program gives other animals the right to survive in our county.” some sort of non-scientific poll Wednesday brought in some sort of total of more than 200 votes with 194 indicating that they support the squirrel management program.

The county will not be taking any action on the program in the near future, however, that does not mean that officials are not exploring other options. "I would ask our staff to always be in search of controlling the number of pest critters in ways that are as humane as possible," the wildlife removal woman declared. From the perspective of Hawaii wildlife officials, the two-week squirrel snare pole time to remove unwanted wildlife that began November 28 provides the biggest bang for the dangerous animal when compared to the extermination and blackpowder time to remove unwanted critters. Snare pole wildlife operators annually take the highest number of squirrel, thereby providing the most effective means of keeping the state's squirrel herd in check. On Hawaii, it appears that the snare pole time to remove unwanted wildlife is having the desired effect based on some sort of sampling of first week results.

Select Your Animal

RaccoonsRaccoon Control Education and Services

SquirrelsSquirrel Control Education and Services

OpossumOpossum Control Education and Services

SkunksSkunk Control Education and Services

RatsRat Control Education and Services

MiceMouse Control Education and Services

MolesMole Control Education and Services

GroundhogGroundhog Control Education and Services

ArmadillosArmadillo Control Education and Services

BeaverBeaver Control Education and Services

FoxFox Control Education and Services

CoyotesCoyote Control Education and Services

BirdsBird Control Education and Services

BatsBat Control Education and Services

SnakesSnake Control Education and Services

DeadDead Animal Control Education and Services

Chipmunks Chipmunk Control Education and Services

Voles Vole Control Education and Services

Deer Deer Control Education and Services

Flying Squirrel Flying Squirrel Control Education and Services

Gophers Gopher Control Education and Services

Prairie Dog Prairie Dog Control Education and Services

Feral Pigs Feral Pig Control Education and Services

Alligators Alligator Control Education and Services

Iguanas Iguana Control Education and Services

Muskrats Muskrat Control Education and Services

Nutria Nutria Control Education and Services

Otters Otter Control Education and Services

Pigeons Pigeon Control Education and Services

Goose Goose Control Education and Services

Muscovy Duck Muscovy Duck Control Education and Services

Starlings Starling Control Education and Services

Woodpecker Woodpecker Control Education and Services

Porcupines Porcupine Control Education and Services

Rabbits Rabbit Control Education and Services

Weasels Weasel Control Education and Services

Stray Dogs Stray Dog Control Education and Services

Stray Cats Stray Cat Control Education and Services

OthersOther Wildlife Species Information