Kansas Wildlife Animal Control

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Kansas Wildlife Information:
Kansas State mammal: American bison
State reptile: Ornate box turtle
State amphibian: Barred tiger salamander
State insect: European honey bee

Kansas was once home to the highest number of Native American tribes in the United States (before it became the United States). Those tribes either lived in permanent locations along the river channels or were nomadic, hunting bison and following the herds. Wild bison are no longer present in Kansas, such was the complete devastation brought on by over-hunting and conversion of prairie into farmland. Approximately two-thirds of the state exists in the Great Plains, while the last third is essentially comprised of forests and gentle hills. Residents of the state call it ‘flat as a pancake’, and recent studies have proven them correct; Kansas is considered the flattest state in the country. While that point is debatable based on measuring techniques, it doesn’t change the fact that most of the animals in this region are those that thrive in open spaces. Kansas is warm and wet as well as warm and dry, all depending on which area of the state you reside in. Snowfall is common, and severe weather is often a daily occurrence. Not only does Kansas suffer from violent thunderstorms, those storms often dredge up dangerous hail and tornados.

Like bison, other animals have been extirpated from Kansas including mountain lions, gray wolves, black bears, and grizzly bears. Now, the most prominent predators in the state are coyotes and bobcats. These mid-level predators have a variety of small animals to feast on, leaving the large grazers often off the radar.

Large animals in Kansas are elk, white-tailed deer, pronghorns, and mule deer. Moose were once native to the state but have since been extirpated. Wild hogs are also present, and these are the most common hooved animals that fall prey to the carnivores.

Pest animals are numerous because of the high number of rodents living in a grass-oriented region. Kansas has an abundance of mice and rats including deer mice, cotton rats, woodrats, grey squirrels, fox squirrels, pocket gophers and prairie dogs.

If the rodents don’t get you, the other pest animals just might. This state has plenty of raccoons, armadillos, skunks, badgers, minks, foxes, rabbits, hares, snakes, and bats. In fact, there are 16 different species of bats living in Kansas, waiting for a home with a warm, dry attic to sneak into.

Kansas Wildlife Removal News:
Effective nuisance wildlife trapping grounds - Some residents of Kansas in Diamond Point have had enough of opossum wild animal catchers walking down their neighborhood streets and capturing opossum in their yards. “I’m not willing to go out and walk,” resident Judy Foster stated. “I don’t feel safe.” The Kansas Animal Control man won’t let her granddaughters play outside in her field, which is next to a wooded lot, because the pest control woman sees wild animal catchers in the area. It’s a multi-faceted problem, residents admit. Some want the large opossum amount of animals whittled down, seeing the animals as a health and safety hazard ­— especially for the airport located in the neighborhood. They can, and some do, invite wild animal catchers to capture the opossum on their property and in the vicinity of the airport. Others like the opossum, don’t want them caught wild critters and continue to feed them though it is discouraged by the Kansas Acres Property Owners Association. A group in the middle doesn’t have a problem with nuisance wildlife trapping, some are wild animal catchers themselves, they just don’t want it happening — literally — in their backyards.“I just can’t believe they’re allowing it,” The Kansas Animal Control man, a Vietnam veteran and resident of Kansas, stated at a recent meeting. The Kansas Animal Control man stated the wildlife removal man used to be an avid wild animal catcher but never would have considered nuisance wildlife trapping in a residential neighborhood where almost all the 400-plus lots are developed. “It’ll be a sport when you teach a opossum to use a thirty-aught-six,” neighbor The Kansas Animal Control man stated. “It’s like catching fish in a goldfish bowl,” another added.

The State Department of Fish and Wildlife regulates nuisance wildlife trapping best time of the day to catch animals but not whether or not nuisance wildlife trapping is permitted on private property. While county ordinance prohibits setting a Havahart trap within 300 feet of a building normally occupied by extermination companies or pets, or 200 feet in the case of animal nets, the ordinance doesn’t specifically address exclusion netting and cages. Additionally, some neighbors remark even the 300-foot rule is being violated. The Kansas Animal Control man, president of SAPOA, stated her neighbors to the back gave wild animal catchers permission to capture pest wildlife on their property. One day, a rabid animal was caught at the edge of her neighbor’s lot and it dragged itself to her yard, where it died as a doe looked on. The Kansas Animal Control man stated the wild animal catcher was certainly less than 300 feet from her house. “There are nuisance wildlife trapping rules about how close to a house you can be and of course once the wild animal catchers started coming out here the rules got forgotten.” The Kansas Animal Control man stated it isn’t uncommon for opossum wounded on one lot to die on another. the pest control woman gets phone calls when it happens. “If you give permission for someone to capture pest wildlife on your property and it causes danger or damage to someone else or their property, believe me you’re the one who will have to pay,” the pest control woman stated, calling the residential nuisance wildlife trapping a safety hazard.

The Kansas Animal Control man wants the county ordinance addressing traps discharge to be changed to include cages and exclusion netting. “We need bows to be defined as a trap,” the wildlife removal man stated. Wild animal catchers walk up and down the streets and between houses with exclusion netting and cages, unregulated, the wildlife removal man stated. The Kansas Animal Control man stated the wildlife removal man went to two Kansas Board of Commissioners meetings to ask if the ordinance could be changed and was told the wildlife removal man needed to gather signatures on a petition to make the area a no-catching zone. the wildlife removal man was told it wasn’t in the county’s best interest to change the ordinance, the wildlife removal man stated. “Why is it not in the county’s best interest to protect us?” the wildlife removal man stated. While reckless endangerment and trespass laws can be applied in some circumstances, both can only be applied after the fact and won’t help prevent someone from getting hurt, the wildlife removal man stated. The Kansas Animal Control man stated one day at dusk the pest control woman saw a wild animal catcher lean against his truck and point his steel cage trap at a rabid animal in her front yard. the pest control woman turned on her lights and the wild animal catcher drove away. the pest control woman has since put up no-trespassing signs on her property. The Kansas Animal Control man stated the neighborhood used to have no-nuisance wildlife trapping signs posted around. If they were posted again, his office would enforce them, the wildlife removal man stated. The Kansas Animal Control man stated changing the county ordinance to include exclusion netting and cages may seem “devilishly simple” but it just isn’t the best course of action. “That doesn’t accomplish anything,” the wildlife removal man stated. “There are areas that extermination companies catch within 300 feet of buildings and they are their own buildings.”

Select Your Animal

RaccoonsRaccoon Control Education and Services

SquirrelsSquirrel Control Education and Services

OpossumOpossum Control Education and Services

SkunksSkunk Control Education and Services

RatsRat Control Education and Services

MiceMouse Control Education and Services

MolesMole Control Education and Services

GroundhogGroundhog Control Education and Services

ArmadillosArmadillo Control Education and Services

BeaverBeaver Control Education and Services

FoxFox Control Education and Services

CoyotesCoyote Control Education and Services

BirdsBird Control Education and Services

BatsBat Control Education and Services

SnakesSnake Control Education and Services

DeadDead Animal Control Education and Services

Chipmunks Chipmunk Control Education and Services

Voles Vole Control Education and Services

Deer Deer Control Education and Services

Flying Squirrel Flying Squirrel Control Education and Services

Gophers Gopher Control Education and Services

Prairie Dog Prairie Dog Control Education and Services

Feral Pigs Feral Pig Control Education and Services

Alligators Alligator Control Education and Services

Iguanas Iguana Control Education and Services

Muskrats Muskrat Control Education and Services

Nutria Nutria Control Education and Services

Otters Otter Control Education and Services

Pigeons Pigeon Control Education and Services

Goose Goose Control Education and Services

Muscovy Duck Muscovy Duck Control Education and Services

Starlings Starling Control Education and Services

Woodpecker Woodpecker Control Education and Services

Porcupines Porcupine Control Education and Services

Rabbits Rabbit Control Education and Services

Weasels Weasel Control Education and Services

Stray Dogs Stray Dog Control Education and Services

Stray Cats Stray Cat Control Education and Services

OthersOther Wildlife Species Information