Will Repellents Get Rid of Pigeons in your Attic?

There is no definitive answer to this question. This is because there are different repellents and also different factors that determine whether a repellant will be effective. What are some of the common bird repellants?

The bad odor produced by ammonia has been known to be irritating not only to man but also to birds. To use ammonia, you just need to sprinkle ammonia in your attic and hope that the birds will be affected by the stench. However, there are various limitations on the effectiveness of this repellant. To use ammonia you have to use it sparingly since you do not want the bad smell to reach your bedroom or living room. If you do this, this may affect the success of this repellant and so it becomes very difficult to use it as a repellant.

Pepper is one of the most commonly used pest repellent. Just sprinkle a little helping in your attic and it should chase away the pigeons. However, there have been some cases where people used pepper as a repellant and it did not work. Maybe the birds had already become used to the burning feeling of the pepper, but there are also some few success stories while using pepper.

There are very many people who have turned to this crude way of dealing with unwanted birds and pests. However, the success stories of this method are limited. This is due to the fact that the pigeons can fly and this reduces the chances of the pigeons ever getting injured by the spikes.

Electric shock
This is one of the most successful methods of dealing with unwanted pigeons. It is also very easy to install. Just buy a simple electronic mesh and place on the floor of your attic. Ensure that the electrocution is not strong enough to kill them. You can also install some on the known entry pints and they will be electrocuted each time they try to get into your attic.

Sound Repellants
Sound repellants work by scaring away the pigeons. Just buy some motion activated sound machines and each time the birds try to get into your attic, it will start producing loud sounds and scare away the pigeons. The only problem with this method is that you cannot use a sound that is too loud that it disturbs your neighbors. Also, if the sound is too low, the pigeons may get used to it and move on as if it is not there after a few weeks.

As you can see, there are very many repellants that can be used to scare away pigeons; however, these repellants have so many limitations that their chances of success are very slim.

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