What kind of sounds do rats make?

Animals can sometimes invade your home and make it their own. It is not so hard to tell that there is an animal living within your home especially when you are very keen and attentive to all the noises around the house. Rats are one of the most common household pests that you can find anywhere and they make some noises that allow you to realize that they are actually living within your home.

Night noises

Rats are actually nocturnal and they love living inside houses. The fact that they can be able to climb anything even a bare wall means they can be real nuisance especially when their population starts rising. They are active when night falls and when they start to exit and then reenter the house, there is a great likelihood that you will hear them. They go out to look for food and water. If you aren’t too careful with your storage and disposal, you may encourage them to enter your kitchen so as to search for food items.

Apart from the exit and entry noises that the rats can make, it is very easy to hear them as they run within the attic. They also make some scratching sounds in the spaces that they live in. you can also hear them in the walls as they make some pitter patter sounds or even scampering noises.

Noises from rats are either light or loud but this depends on different circumstances. The noise that the rats make is much lighter in comparison to other rodents that are larger like the raccoons and opossums.

There are some things that actually have a very great effect on how loud the sounds are. They include things such as the acoustics if the house, the insulation as well as the drywall thickness. These play a major role on just how high the noise you hear will be.

Rats are very common noise distracters that are found at homes and you will hear them as they scratch walls. They love night activity and the scratching sounds that they produce are very irritating. The sounds are an indication that the rat is actually doing something like food search. When faced by cold nights, they also make some noises because they need a space hat is warmer. It is never easy to get rid of them.

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