Problems Nuisance Wild Pigs Can Cause:
There are numerous problems that can result if you have wild hogs that are taking up residence near your property. The primary concern comes from the destruction of habitats and land that these hogs produce. Their constant wallowing and rooting around in the ground will result in destroyed vegetation and eventually create an environment that is not suitable for any other species to live in. Included in this habitat destruction is the destruction of trees and other important fauna that are responsible for holding environments together and stopping erosion.
Additionally, if you are a farmer who relies on your crops for your livelihood, a pack of wild hogs can easily trample any field and destroy all of your produce. This means all the hard work you put into planting and maintaining your land will result in nothing but destroyed crops and wasted profits. The crops that they don't destroy by trampling are still prone to being devoured by these annoying pests.
Wild pigs also can cause issues for poultry farmers as they can wander into the chicken coops and devour the eggs of the chickens. Wild pigs can also spread disease, as well as, indirectly kill other animals that you farm by destroying the habitat they need to survive. The destruction that they cause on ecosystems can sometimes be devastating to any livestock that you may be trying to raise. All of these devastating effects caused by wild pigs lead to billions of dollars in agricultural losses on an annual basis in North America.
Ever since their introduction to North America in the early 1500s wild pigs have been a problem. Originally brought in as a food source that was considered a delicacy the problem became that these destructive little nuisance animals reproduce faster than any natural method can contain them. In fact, even hunters cannot keep up with the reproductive boom and rate that these animals grow their population. The result of this misstep is billions of dollars of damage within the agriculture industry every year.
If wild pigs are a problem on your property then it is important to figure out a way to handle the situation. Failing to rectify a wild hog invasion could lead to decimated livestock, destroyed crops, and irreparable damage to your land. This is why it is essential not only to remove wild hogs that live on your property but also to enact proper preventive measures to stop the issue from happening in the first place.
Preventing Wild Pigs:
Any successful strategy to thwart wild pigs from destroying your property is going to involve the prevention of the nuisance. This is always the first line of defense and should be used if you suspect that you are susceptible to damages that can be incurred by wild pigs. Here are a few methods of prevention that you can use to ensure wild pigs do not decimate your land.
A great option : when protecting your farm or land from wild pigs is the use of fencing around the perimeter and sensitive areas. This includes a sturdy mesh fence that can withstand the destruction these animals bring with them. Because wild pigs are known as the rototiller of the animal world, you are also going to need to bury the fence at a minimum depth of six inches, to stop the annoying little critter from burrowing and tunneling in.
Remove Food Sources:
Another way you can prevent wild hogs from venturing onto your property in the first place is by removing any food sources they might find appetizing. These food sources are generally the main reason that the pigs will wander onto your property in the first place. Buy sealing all food sources up and making sure they are unavailable to the wild pigs you will be removing one of the primary instigators that bring pigs onto your property.
Protective Animals:
Another way you can protect your property from wild pigs is by employing the help of an animal such as a dog. This method is not 100% effective but can work well when employed with other methods for controlling a hog population. Any little bit you can do will help prevent these animals from destroying your land.
Trapping and Hunting:
If wild hogs are already a problem on your property then you may be left with no other solutions aside from trapping and hunting the animals. In almost all cases it is better to trap and release the animals into a more suitable environment as opposed to going with the extermination route. Sometimes, however, it is not possible to trap and release so in these cases it is important to use proper hunting techniques. If you are going to trap the animals there are a few considerations you should make in order to find the most effective trap to get the job done.
If it's too late to prevent hogs from venturing onto your property, then you need to properly trap the animal. When trapping there are numerous different options you can employ. These consist of both lethal and non-lethal traps. In most cases the non-lethal traps are the most suitable option for handling your wild pig problem. When utilizing this type of trap you need to find an effective trap that can secure the animal and hold it until it is ready to be released in a new location.
If you decide to go with a lethal trap option you should be aware that you could cause other issues in addition to the hog problem. An example of this would be the potential to attract rodents to the property if you don't remove the carcass of the deceased pig from the trap quickly.
If you have a stubborn wild pig on your property that refuses to leave you may be forced to resort to hunting. If you are not a hunter yourself there are companies available that will handle this job for you, although you will have to pay a fee to have the service performed. As with a lethal trap mentioned above, you still have to account for the fact that there will be a dead hog carcass you will need to remove to stop a rodent invasion.
Take Time to Determine the Best Solution to Your Wild Hog Problem:
If wild hogs are destroying your land it is important to think about the proper way to both remove and prevent the animals from destroying your property. Utilizing the proper techniques and safety measures is the best way to handle a wild pig problem once and for all.
Wild pigs, or feral hogs as they are sometimes known, roam freely throughout many areas in North America. They can be almost indistinguishable from domesticated pigs and they come in all shapes and sizes. A full-grown wild pig can weigh anywhere from 100 to 400 lbs. and the larger variety is more closely akin to domesticated hogs than their wild boar counterparts. A few distinctions they can help you identify a wild pig are long whiskers, a more straight tail, and a mostly dark coloration. Part of the problem with wild pigs is their diet and food habits which cause destruction for people in any areas where these nuisances roam. Wild pigs are omnivores and they're also very opportunistic. This means a wild pig will not be shy about coming onto your property and foraging in your garden or your barn consuming whatever it can get its snout on. Typically these animals are nocturnal and most commonly feed on these items at night which means you will not be able to see the devastating losses they cause until the morning when it is too late. Wild pigs inhabit many parts of North America and only have a few requirements for a suitable habitat. Areas of dense brush are prime locations for hogs as they rely on this overgrowth for protection. They also thrive in areas where there is a flowing water source. Wild hogs can also be found in areas such as forests where acorns are readily available, as this is one of their favorite foods.