How to prevent rodents from chewing on car wires

Regardless of how the car you have bought may be reliable, you may still find outright failure, fluid leaks and electrical gremlins when the rodents take up the residence into your car. They can chew on critical parts, plastic, hose and wiring. The damage that is inflicted by the rodent is a problem that had lasted for a long time but the problem is getting worse since the automakers are using the biodegradable materials. It has been found out that the rodents that sharpen their teeth and feasting at the cars has become to be more prevalent than you may think.

When it comes to preventing the rodents from chewing on your car, the folk remedies like spreading of the hot sauce within the hood can be useless. The rodents have large space in the mouth from the rear molars to the incisors. This is enough space that the animal can use to gnaw on something without reaching on the tongue.

Having a predator like a cat may help in keeping the rodents away. The cat may not catch too many mice but it can be a deterrent that prevents them to come near. Many rodents cannot travel a long period, they move around during the night and they stay undercover all the time. Removing the things which provide the shelter may force them to go away. Having tall grass and wood piles that are close to the vehicle may be invitation.

When you remove the source of food, it can reduce the population, make sure that you picked up the pet foods and bird feeders at night and the can of garbage should be tightly closed. If you are living a multi-family house, you should never pack near a dumpster. Water may not cause a problem because the rodents may stay for a long period without drinking water by getting everything they need from the food.

Using moth balls can also be effective when it comes to keeping the rodent away from you. You can place some moth balls in the old socks and put them under a hood and this can keep the pest out. You can replace such moths after sometime since the chemical may evaporate. You have also to be careful where you put them since they may be fire hazard and they may corrode the metals which they come into the contact with. You can also use a rodent resistant tape while it comes to doing the repairs.

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