Do moth balls or ammonia help repel wild animals?

We evident most of the wild animals are very wise and an intelligent creature on the earth. Some of them remember the task after three years task done. Some of them have sharp smelling sense that something here to hurt them.

Other than their intelligence, most of them are very nostalgic about their little ones. They enter in open attic, back yards, and yards of the homes and make different noises which hurt people living in the home.

People living in home use moth balls which is an active agent of naphthalene or ammonia to repel wild animals but the answer is NO!

There are many repellents available in the market but the commonly use repellent in home to repel wild animals are moth balls and ammonia.

Moth balls
Moth balls are usually use to repel wild animal such as snakes, rats, bats, raccoons and others but the result of the moth balls as repelling agent is zero because:

Moth balls spread its fumes in the environment. These fumes are fragmented. Sometimes these fragmented fumes work for little time and wild animals go away from homes but many times it does not works and the need to enhance the fragmented fumes which causes Vomiting, headache, nausea, coughing and some kind of irritation in eyes and nose and even harmful for little children living in homes.

Using moth balls as repellant has another major problem that if wild animals are living in your outer part of your home and you throw it in your garden area or back yard the rain might dissolve them and your problem is still there. So moth balls are not a good repellant for wild animals.

Ammonia is another repellant use to repel wild animals out of home. Ammonia is a repellant found in liquid. Ammonia usually soaked on rug, sprinkle around the home or a cup full pour in the trash can where these wild animals come to eat. For some time the relief is obvious but the permanent result is no, it is a waste of time and money and wild animals wont repel from home.

The use of the repellants such as ammonia and moth balls is not the permanent solution. To repel these wild animals, advices and help can take by the wild animal removal team.

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