The rodents are common in the house because there are many places that they may wish to live in the house and this includes the attic. You can know that you have a rodent problem if you hear them scratching within the attic, scratching in walls, leaving some droppings in different places, having bad smell in the home, gnawing on the electrical wires and they may also put you at health or safety risks. Rodents that come in your attic are in most cases pregnant female that come there to prepare a nest and then deliver babies and care for them until they are capable to care for themselves.
The mice always choose to live in the attic and it is the perfect place to shelter the rodent because it is dry, safe and warm and it is the best place to create the nest for their babies. However, there are problems that you will face if the rodents start to breed into your house. Just a pair of rodents may lead to hundred of mice within a year. The rodents in the house are chewer and they may chew on anything they find including the electrical wire which may lead to the fire risk.
The rodents living in your attic should be of concern since they can gnaw at different and even more serious problem takes place when you have nesting babies. They may build the nests near the opening like loose or unscreened vent or in the rotten trim board.
If you want to get rid of the rodents, you should start by finding an opening. In case there is no opening within the attic, you have to look on the roof, vents and eaves. Before you try anything else, check if the rodents do not have the babies inside the attic, you should try to locate the nest. The nest can be made with the materials that are readily available like leaves, cardboard and insulation. When it is from February to May or if it is August to October, you have to know that it is highly possible that the rodents already have the babies. In this case, the right thing to do is to wait for some time until the babies grew up so that you can get rid of the rodents making sure that the babies go with the mother.
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