How to get rodents out of the attic

Rodents love to enter attics of human homes because attics are excellent choice for their home as well: it is warm, it is safe and it is peaceful-this makes attic first choice when it comes to human residences. The small rodent can weigh just an ounce and it can be too small and it can be able to wiggle within the tiny holes or the cracks. Killing the rodents sometime may not be the humane approach to do things. If you want to kill the rodents, you should use the wooden trap since it can kill the rodents at once. Using the glue traps may lead to slow starvation and the rodent poison can also put the pets at risk. It is important to have a comprehensive rodent elimination plan that will involve trapping the rodent and to block all the entry points they use to enter into the house.

Inspect the entire attic around to see where there are small holes or cracks that the rodent may use as entry points. You have also to check the entire house since the rodents may enter into the house using small entries and they may reach the attic afterwards. This may be time consuming but it is necessary to avoid all the future infestation.

Use expanding form to fill the holes and the cracks. There are two types of the foam sealant, the polyurethane and the latex based. Check the attic for droppings and use trap where you see the droppings and place bait at the traps and set them carefully. Remove and dispose the rodent you catch.

Make sure that you got rid of the droppings that were left behind using the vacuum cleaner but it should not be the one that you use on regular basis. You should get a small vacuum that you should leave in the attic and it should be used to clean the attic only.

The rodents can cause havoc in your attic despite if they are large or small. The mice can chew into the duct work and they can make the nesting in the homes with the blown insulation that it is found between the walls or attics. When the rodents take up a place in the attic, they are going to hide in different places. After removing the rodents successfully, use the mint odors to repel them so that they do not come back.

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