In case you are looking for the rodent repellant, regardless if it is store bought or natural, you have to keep in mind that none of them will work well. Repellents might work against some animals, but in a case of rodents they generally don't work, especially if the rodent in question is pregnant female that has come to your house to create the nest there and care for her babies. You may try them for sometime but in the end, you will need to use the proven method to get rid of the rodent problem in permanent way and this is sealing all the entry points. If you want to get rid of the rodents in effective and permanent way, then the solution is find all the entry holes in the house and to close them off completely. By now, this is the most effective way that can be used to keep all the rats and the mice away from you completely.
Rodents choose to live in the small space and when they had established the home, they will be having zero chance of surviving when they leave their nesting place because there are predators that will be waiting for them. There is no rodent willing to live his nest just because of the repellant since their only alternative will be to die. They will not be planning to get from one house to another one since when they are aware where they are safe, they will keep in that place.
Many people consider the rodent repellant because they are easy and cheap solution to the mouse rodents. This is something natural to look always the easiest and the simple method available. However, when it comes to the rodent, you have to know that there is nothing like easy and quick solution. Animals should be trapped. Some of the repellent used to chase away the rodents, it can be human hair, toilet products, bright light or flashing machines, high pitch sound machines, peppermint oil, coyote or cat urine, ammonia and mothballs.
However, always keep in mind that the right way that you can deal with the rat problem is to find where the rodent enters into the building and to close such entries completely. You can then trap and then remove the rodents. Afterwards, it is a good idea to clean the entire attic space.
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