Should I feed a baby wild animal I found?

It is a common practice to see wild baby animals outside during spring seasons as the newer generation is introduced into this world. In many situations you find that baby wild animal needs help it is best to provide it proper assistance. However, we suggest that you should keep in mind one point that although it may appear that animal needs help you should only go near it when it’s confirmed that animal is truly injured or orphaned. There is no need to rescue the animal unless it is very much important. It is more related with identification of proper signs which suggest that a wild animal is actually in need of your help.

  • Animal presented by dog or cat needs may need your help
  • Bleeding animal needs help
  • Animal with broken limb needs assistance
  • Shivering animal should be rescued
  • Animal with a dead parent nearby needs your help
  • Crying animal should also be helped

In case you find an animal with all these signs it is best to help it and if you feel the necessity it should saved and transported to a proper place. The behavior of an animal is the best aspect which can provide you guidance related with determination of the fact that either an animal should be rescued or not.

  • The animal should be placed in a safer container and you should give proper consideration to the size and structure of the animal. It is best to use cardboard boxes for this purpose.
  • You should use thicker gloves and animal should be covered with towel and it should be placed inside the container in a gentle manner.
  • The animal should not be food or water because wrong selection here can make animal to choke and serious kinds of digestive problems can arise leading to aspiration pneumonia. A number of injured animals are actually in a state of shock and force feeding even has the potential of killing them.
  • The container should be placed inside warmer, darker and quiet place which should be away from pets and noise. This is important for the safety of animal till it’s transported to somewhere safe.
  • We suggest that animal should be shifted to a safer and effective place as soon as possible and arrangements should be made for its rehabilitation. Don’t take any kind of risks it will bring complications.

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