Wild animals especially squirrels, raccoons, rats and skunks among other animals will always build their nests in the attics especially if they are about to give birth because they believe these places are secure. The first sign of baby wild animals in the attic is the sounds that they make; you will hear scampering and continuous scratching noises.
Baby wild animals are very delicate therefore you are likely to hear them during the day rather than at night. It is therefore important to be very careful if you intend to remove them from your attic. Baby wild animals mature quickly; after a couple of days, you are likely to hear them making louder noises and jumping up and down in the attic.
It is always advisable to allow the baby wild animals to mature a bit before getting rid of them in order to increase their chances of survival.
Getting rid of baby wild animals
Baby wild animals are always a nuisance and you may be forced to get rid of them as soon as you can but you have to keep in mind that it is always a challenging procedure to get rid of them and you have to be careful during the evacuation procedure. You can safely remove baby wild animals from the attic by first, identifying their entry point into the attic. If there are several of them, you have to ensure that you block them and leave out one entry point that will allow them to leave the attic on their own.
Most baby wild animals are harmless therefore you can pick them using your hands and place them in a bucket and then relocate them to a location where their mother can easily find them.
There are instances where you only get a wild animal that has not yet given birth; you can try scaring her away by banging on the rafters or playing loud music throughout the night. You can also soak balls of cotton in cider vinegar and throw them in the attic because most wild animals usually detest their smell.
It is therefore very important to identify the type of wild animal that has invaded your attic so that you can come up with the most relevant techniques that will help you get of rid of them. If you are not sure of what you are up to, you can contact the professionals who can help you out.
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