What are exclusion barriers?

Exclusion barriers are, very simply, any form of barrier designed to keep invasive pests out. There are a number of different kinds of barriers for different types of pests. If you want to DIY, Most everything that is needed to construct a practical barrier can be purchased at your local hardware store or farm supply. There are also professionals happy to do the job for you. Included here are few examples of the effective types of barriers and their uses. Included here are barriers for the most common of pests. Exclusion barriers can be installed to safeguard against almost anything. A buried fence standing at one foot high, buried bout ten inches into the ground is useful for keeping rabbits and voles from burrowing in to your garden or lawn. Angling that fence at a slight outward angle is another way to deter rabbits.

Trenching several inches deep around a raised deck or porch and installing hardware cloth folded at an “L” or 90 degree angle in the ground then attached to the bottom rail of the deck is perfect for keeping out opossums, snakes, raccoons, stray cats, skunks and other unwanted guests. Plastic fabric used against the backside of a fence is handy for keeping out snakes as is steel mesh. Blocking attic vents and chimney openings with hardware cloth will deter Roof rats, bats, birds, raccoons, and squirrels from entering you attic and setting up house. If flying insects are a particular problem, an air curtain can be installed to slow them down.

This can range from an elaborate blower installed over a door to a strategically placed fan. Air curtains can substantially limit the numbers of flies, mosquitoes, and other flying from pests entering your home when doors are opened. Adding Doorsweeps, filling in around pipes at their point of entrance through the wall, and caulking and cracks and crevices not only aid in lowering loss of heat and air, but block critters from entering your home as well. These are just a few of the many ways that exclusion barriers can used to keep your home and property safe from a variety of pests.

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Select Your Animal

RaccoonsRaccoon Control Education and Services

SquirrelsSquirrel Control Education and Services

OpossumOpossum Control Education and Services

SkunksSkunk Control Education and Services

RatsRat Control Education and Services

MiceMouse Control Education and Services

MolesMole Control Education and Services

GroundhogGroundhog Control Education and Services

ArmadillosArmadillo Control Education and Services

BeaverBeaver Control Education and Services

FoxFox Control Education and Services

CoyotesCoyote Control Education and Services

BirdsBird Control Education and Services

BatsBat Control Education and Services

SnakesSnake Control Education and Services

DeadDead Animal Control Education and Services