Do mothballs or ammonia help repel rodents?

The true is that using a box of the mothballs or ammonia will not chase away the rodents. The mothballs are the mixture of deodorants and pesticides that have been placed within vaporous and tiny white balls. They are able to keep the moth larvae and the moths away but they do not work when it comes to nuisance or large animals. The vapor they emit is dangerous but they may cause more problems to humans who inhale it than to the rodents around. The rodents are not that easy to get rid off since they may have declared their place desirable so it will be hard to make them leave. When the rodents venture in the place that it is not or where they did not mark with their scent, it may mean the exposure to the predator. Ammonia or mothballs are not stronger enough when it comes to the rodents to force them outside of their comfort zone. If you want to get rid of rodents, you have to seal the places that they use or they can use to enter into the home. Since most rodents may chew, the best material to use to keep them out is the metal.

The mothballs are normally used to store clothes or other items so that they do not be damaged especially because of larvae or mold. There are many uses of the mothballs and one of these uses is to use them to repel the rodents. However, the mothballs are not that stronger when it comes to using them as repel and they put the pets or children at risk since they may eat them when they find them. The true is that they will not help you in any way to get rid of the rodents so you should not rely on them.

Ammonia is always a bad smell and few people are able to bear it. The concept about its use is that such strong and bad smell is going to force the rodents to go away. However, the rodents are not willing to expose themselves to the predators just because their area smells bad and they may even get used to them. Basically, any rodent will choose safety over some bad smell, so consider other solutions over ammonia or mothballs if you are looking to motivate rodents to leave your home on their own. Basically, this solution will not work.

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