What should I do if I find a nest of rodents in the attic?

One of the most common rodents that you can find in your attic is the rat. Rodents in general choose attic because they are pregnant and are looking for a safe location to deliver babies and to care for them there. They will use your attic to feed babies and to care for them for several months there before they are capable to care for themselves. When rodents get into the home, they pose lots of problems. They will scratch he attic, the walls, gnaw on the electric wires, pose health risks and even scratch the walls. They also leave so many droppings all over the place. It is therefore a great concern for most people when faced with this issue, everyone just wants to trap the rodents and have them removed from the attic area.

What to do

If you every find a nest in the attic, there are some steps that you can follow.

  1. You need to inspect the house so as to locate the areas that are being used by the rodents to enter the attic. Check the vents, the roof lines, and the eves and so on. Make sure to check every single part of the house and most especially the roof. When the rodents make their way into the attic, they will scurry through just any part within the house. They will go through walls and the ceiling so as to reach the attic where they can nest and live.
  2. You now need to get all those holes sealed up. You can use steel as rodents aren’t able to chew this. Bolt steel into place and use a sealant to make sure that no air gets in. this discourages the rodents from coming inside.
  3. After you set everything, you need to set traps so as to remove the rodents. Snap traps are the best if you plan to use traps. You can place these on the rat runways within the attic.
  4. Then, you need to remove all the rodents that have been trapped and replace them where necessary. This process should be done until you no longer hear the noises that are made by the animals within the attic.
  5. Clean and disinfect the attic after all has been said and done. Be sure to wear protective clothing so as to avoid getting infected with some of the most serious ailments.

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