How to trap a vole

Learn to understand the vole’s habits. . These little rodents are very are much like mice, and the methods for trapping or catching, or killing them is basically the same.

After you determined you have a vole problem, the next step is choosing your method of trap. There aren’t any products that have been specifically made for voles, so any traps that are available to catch mice are your be bet. If you want to use any of the lethal traps that are available, the traditional snap trap is the most effective. Sticky glue traps, work, but are not pleasant as the animal is tuck and left to suffer for some time before it dies, Electrocution traps are also a quick solution, although they must be watched to alleviate the pile of dead bodies.

If you are inclined to go with live traps, there are a variety of them available. Normally it consists of a cage with a door that slams shut when a switch plate is triggered. The most effective type has a “funnel” entrance that allows the vole to enter, but not leave. This allows you to catch a bunch of voles without having to reset the trap each time. You can also find one-way mouse boxes that will allow a creature to go in but not out. When using any live trap, please check the traps often, so that any trapped animals can be dealt with quickly and they do not suffer needlessly.

Now that you have chosen your trap, you must decide where to place them, and what bait to use. Once you locate the vole’s runways through your yard, you can trace them back to the hole that will serve as entrance to the burrow. . Placing traps around these entrances will be the most effective, Keep in mind that voles will multiple exit and entrances to their burrows. It might be wise to use multiple traps at the different holes for best results. For reliable bait, peanut butter with nuts or seeds is a favorite. Oatmeal, bread and butter, horse feed, and gummy candies have also been said to work.

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