How to get a wild animal out of a wall

Clawing and scratching within the wall can be a sign that you have a wild animal within and it may be stuck or simply making a home within your home. It is important that you handle such an issue with urgency so as to avoid even bigger problems in the future. There are lots of wild animals that prove to be amazing climbers. There are however some homes that have a dry wall that it’s slick and it can be rather hard for the animals to climb out. If the problem is not handled, the animal can actually chew or scratch its way out of your wall and enter the home if at all it is stuck.

You need to note that animals such as bats can make use of very tiny spaces and may be actually roosting with the wall. If the animal is stuck within your wall and you do not get the issue handled, then it may very well die and the odor that comes from decaying flesh can be really unpleasant.

There are something’s that you have to determine once you are sure that there are animals within the walls.

  • You have to make a determination of the kind of animal that is within the wall. There are different types of animals that can make their way in and you have to make a conclusive determination before you get them out.
  • Are they stuck or are they able to get in and out. If stuck, the cutting of the wall has to be done. If they can move, then trapping and one way exclusion methods can be applied to eliminate them from the wall.
  • If the animal is an adult, does it have a litter of babies? If you trap the animal, you may actually leave behind very helpless babies that cannot get out by themselves. If they die, they can cause another problem. It is also not a humane thing to do.
  • Can you handle the issue yourself? If not, you will need to get a professional animal removal company to handle the issue for you.

There are though some homes that have a dried out wall that its slick as well as it can be rather hard for the animals to climb out. If the problem is not handled, the animal can actually chew or scratch its way out of your wall.

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