Snake Trapping Methods and Tips

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How To Trap A Snake
One of the pests that can be particularly problematic for many people in warmer climes is snakes, and these are especially prevalent in areas such as California, Florida, and most of the southern states. The recommended way to deal with a snake problem in the long term is to make the area they are visiting inhospitable to snakes, but this will usually be impractical as a short term solution. This is why many people will find that trapping is a necessary solution so that they can remove the snakes from their property.

What Traps Can You Use To Catch Snakes?
There are a number of different traps that can be bought to catch a snake, and the majority of those that are available commercially will be glue based traps. The theory behind this type of trap is that the snake will be attracted in to the trap, and there is then an adhesive surface on the floor of the trap that will hold the snake in place until they can be removed. This is usually done by spraying the adhesive with a harmless substance that will loosen the glue, allowing the snake to slither away a distance from your home.

There are other traps available, and there are also many people who will use a homemade funnel trap in order to catch snakes in and around their property. Although there are some companies that will offer lethal snake traps, these will often catch other animals apart from the intended victims, and this can cause a host of other problems. Those who have to deal with snake problems regularly will usually need to refer to a specialist that can help to alter their property to deter snakes, rather than constantly having to trap animals and remove them.

Baiting And Locating A Snake Trap
Many of the best traps that are commercially produced will have scented bait in the trap that will attract the snake. The issue that many people will find is that snakes will generally only eat live prey, so baiting a trap with inanimate food will rarely prove to be successful.

In terms of choosing the right location for a snake trap, it is usually best to place it along the border of a garden or along the side of the wall. Depending on the snake and the features in your garden, it will sometimes be possible for you to find the entry point that the snakes will use to get in, so this will also be a good place to set the trap. The majority of traps will have a solid cover so that the snake isn’t exposed to the sun when trapped, but if your trap doesn’t have this then it is best to position it in a shady area.

Handling A Snake
Whatever the size and species of the snake that is trapped, it is always vital to treat the animal with care because even those that aren’t venomous snakes may be able to deliver a bite. The majority of traps that are commercially available are specifically designed so that the individual doesn’t have to handle the snake, and the adhesive can be released with a spray, so the person can back away to a safe distance and allow the snake to slither off.

Relocating The Snake
This is one of the most difficult aspects to deal with, as there are many legal requirements about dealing with snakes, and these can vary from state to state. For those who are releasing snakes it is certainly best to drive a few miles away so that the snake won’t be able to find its way back to your property.

More in-detail how-to snake removal articles:

Information about how to kill a snake - with fumigants or poison.
Information about how to keep snakes away - prevention techniques.
Information about how to catch a snake - remove one stuck in the house.
Information about snake repellent - analysis of types and effectiveness.

You are here to learn snake trapping methods to trap snakes in a house or yard. This site is intended to provide snake education and information, so that you can make an informed decision if you need to deal with a snake problem. This site provides many snake control articles and strategies, if you wish to attempt to solve the problem yourself. If you are unable to do so, which is likely with many cases of snake removal, please go to the home page and click the USA map, where I have wildlife removal experts listed in over 500 cites and towns, who can properly help you with your nuisance snake.

Click here to read more about how to get rid of snakes.

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